March 13, 2025

With Spring, Motorcycle Safety Takes Center Stage

With Spring, Motorcycle Safety Takes Center Stage

motorcycle safetySPRINGFIELD (WGGB) – Now that spring is here, we can expect to see a lot more motorcycles out on the roads… so it’s important to stay aware and stay safe. This is one precaution bikers in Massachusetts must take seriously. According to Maurice Chartier, a biker, one close call is one too many. Spring usually means drivers have to share the road for motorcyclists they haven’t seen in months.

“A lot of pipes do save lives,” said Norman Woodward, the manager at Southampton Harley Davidson. “So make sure your bikes are loud enough for people to hear you. If it looks like somebody’s not going to slow down, pull on your clutch and throttle. Make they look. Most people who drive cars are looking out for us. Most people are responsible drivers. But there is that very small percentage of people who are not. And that’s what makes it dangerous.”

Woodward adds that helmets, protective eyewear, and using your turn signal are all required for bikers by Mass law.

To read the original report, click here.

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